

The importance of decentralization and popular participation in governance at the state level. It highlights the progress made in decentralization reforms since 1988, with the integration of a significant number of assemblies to promote citizen involvement in decision-making processes.

The article emphasizes the need for continued efforts to strengthen local governance structures and empower citizens to access basic public services in their districts. 

It calls for capacity building and sensitization of citizens on the principles of decentralization and local governance.

Furthermore, it stresses the importance of building strong working relationships among assembly members, parliamentarians, assembly staff, and the community to optimize local governance for the benefit of the people. The article also encourages innovative ways of mobilizing resources for development within local areas.

In conclusion, the article underscores the critical role of assemblies in supporting government programs and projects to benefit the populace. It urges assembly members to align their planning and decision-making processes with national development priorities to ensure inclusive and sustainable development.

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