Nana Kwame Bediako unmask himself as the face of The New Force

 Nana Kwame Bediako, sometimes referred to as Freedom Jacob Caesar or Cheddar, has acknowledged that he is the public face of the New Force political movement.


The New Force

The information was released at a press conference after "The Convention," a scheduled public lecture event under the auspices of the New Africa Foundation, was canceled on January 7, 2024.

In his statement, Nana Kwame Bediako stated that he planned to take the time to explain himself, go over his ideas, and share his goals of becoming the president of Ghana.

He said, "I know you are looking for the man, the man in the mask is sitting in front of you," with a theatrical flourish. You are going to discover who the man in the mask is because I never said a word, but you were searching for me. I didn't tell you that I am interested in politics, so you will have to wait until after this day for me to share my policies and my visions with you. I am nothing to be afraid of because I came to you as your salvation. I don't invest in myself alone, I am investing in you.


Bediako also emphasized his plan to use the New Africa platform to give African leaders a forum for educating Africans and Ghanaians. The original schedule of speakers included P.L.O. Lumumba of Kenya, Peter Obi of Nigeria, Julius Malema of South Africa, and R. Arikana of Zimbabwe. The topic of discussion was "Igniting the voices of Africa."


"These innocent leaders beside me, you will think I went to them and said I am the man in the mask come to Ghana and support me, I am not sure they will. It is part of the convention, we need to educate you, we need to voice out, and if I am the reason why the country is not happy to educate not only Ghanaians but Africa then I take this moment to sacrifice myself to unveil myself because I have much respect for these great leaders beside me, it would have taken my own time to tell you that I am but for this very moment, I am sacrificing myself, to let you know that I am that man, with a good purpose, with a great vison'

The Office of the President's Diaspora Affairs Directorate provided clarification over the sudden cancelation of "The Convention." Dr. Nadia Adongo Fynn, the deputy director, clarified that although the venue had been approved in November 2023, the withdrawal of its permit was due to an unanticipated state event. The message apologized for any difficulty created and indicated that the venue payment of ten thousand Ghana cedis (GHc10,000.00) would be refunded.

Disgruntled attendees spoke to about being left stranded outside of Black Star Square. They expressed fears about the use of force to disturb the rally by describing the presence of military men and helicopters.

"If this helicopter and military are now saying order from above, how can they not use these same energies for the betterment of this country?" a participant asked the authorities.

"They constantly interrupt us when someone tries to talk. What are they frightened of? Professor Julius Malema is scheduled to speak to us, and then this occurs," someone else remarked.




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