Members of the church pass through the pastor's open legs to enter 2024 in symbolic fashion.

 Every year, at the end of the year, churches worldwide celebrate the new year with various ceremonies, some of which take unusual shapes.


Members of the church pass through the pastor's bare legs symbolically to enter 2024.

Christians swarm to different congregations to participate in these rituals, which range from fasting and long prayers to speaking in tongues and the symbolic act of "planting seeds" for divine benefits. Even people who don't usually go to church often make it a point to attend end-of-year services to thank God for their good health and long life and to ask for His blessings for the following year.


In keeping with these customs, a pastor recently made news when he devised an unusual ceremony for the ceremonial transition from 2023 to 2024. The pastor opened his legs to create a V-shape his followers were supposed to crawl through as part of the church's festivities, signifying a smooth start to the new year.

The strange sight is captured in an internet video, which shows the pastor's flock lining up on all fours and crawling through his open legs one by one.

For now, there is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the identity of the church, the pastor engaged, and the venue of this special crossover event.


In Ghana, prophetic predictions are frequently presented at church services at the end of the year. Some of these forecasts portend disaster. But the Ghana Police Service has made a stand against messages of prophesy that incite anxiety and terror. The law enforcement agency has declared December 27 to be "Prophecy Communication Compliance Day" annually to promote sanity and order during this time.



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