Addressing Key Concerns and Unveiling Plans: A Town Hall Recap [AFETI AUDITORIUM- HTU]

Addressing Key Concerns and Unveiling Plans: A Town Hall Recap

In a recent town hall meeting in Ho, representatives from various professional groups shared challenges and suggestions with the National Democratic Congress (NDC). The key issues discussed included the crisis in the AI economy, the state of the energy sector, and concerns about the upcoming change in government.

The NDC emphasized the importance of being modest in demands on the new government to create fiscal space for addressing the needs presented by the public. However, a warning was issued that the economic situation might be worse than currently portrayed.

Several proposals were made, including the establishment of an Accelerated Export Development Council to boost export value chains, the promotion of modern agriculture to make it appealing to the youth, and the creation of farmer service centers in every district.

The education sector received significant attention, with a promise to address challenges in primary education, decentralize the school feeding system, and improve the quality of food in secondary schools. The idea of school farms was introduced to supplement the feeding program.

Other notable points included plans to build affordable housing for teachers through collaboration with pension funds and efforts to resolve tensions between farmers and Fulani herdsmen by providing designated grazing areas and essential services.

The NDC expressed gratitude for the valuable suggestions received and assured the public of transparency in handling economic matters. The party pledged to engage in open forums to discuss economic challenges and collaborate on solutions with various stakeholders. The manifesto, incorporating these ideas, is set to be launched in June.

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