"God raised me up to marry Agradaa; I don't care what others think." Asiamah chastises detractors

 Nana Agradaa's husband, Asiamah, has shown he doesn't care what people think of him after marrying the well-known spiritualist.


Asiamah maintains that the union is a product of God's mercy and that human opinion cannot change the divine design.

He said he was used to criticism because, even in the Bible, when the blind man was healed, other individuals claimed to know how he had been cured after being blind for a long time.

Asiamah stated that he is content with his marriage to Nana Agradaa and that their happiness will not be impacted by what others think of them.

“God can grant his grace or anointing to a child regardless of the situation. So Ghanaians, including pastors, prophets, and other people, should understand that if Nana Agradaa is the wife of Angel Asiamah, then it is God who made it possible. Left to man alone, I would be trampled upon, but God gave me Nana Agradaa to glorify his name and my family.

"So, if you don’t understand why Nana Agradaa married her junior pastor [Asiamah] I don’t blame you,” he said while preaching to the congregation.

"Those who criticize us would do so for a long time because I am not concerned," he continued. When the blind man in the Bible was healed, many questioned how it was done, but the guy didn't care. I was formerly single and am currently married.

His response follows worries expressed by some regarding his motivation for marrying Nana Agradaa, who is younger than she is.

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