An Irish chef overthrows Hilda Baci, the record for the longest cooking marathon is broken.

An  Irish chef overthrows Hilda Baci, and the record for the longest cooking marathon is broken. 

The owner and chef of a restaurant in Japan, Alan Fisher (Ireland), has broken two Guinness World Records about cooking.

First off, at a time of 119 hours 57 minutes, he has declared himself the individual with the longest cooking marathon. That surpasses the previous record by over 24 hours, held by Hilda Baci, a Nigerian cook.

With a time of 47 hours and 21 minutes, Alan declared himself the winner of the longest baking marathon (individual). With 31 hours and 16 minutes, Wendy Sandner (USA) held the previous record.

Even more impressive is that Alan completed both efforts back-to-back, which means he worked in the kitchen for more than 160 hours without taking a day off in between!

Alan's achievement comes just five months after the record for the longest cooking marathon was broken by Nigerian chef Hilda Baci.

Hilda cooked for 100 hours, but she topped the previous record-holder, Indian Chef Lata Tondon, who cooked for 87 hours, 45 minutes, with a time of 93 hours and 11 minutes.


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