Kwahu: Barber, 23, jailed 114 years for sodomizing 12 boys

A 23-year old barber  Kwame Amponsah has been imprisoned 114 years by the Mpraeso Circuit Court for purportedly sodomizing 12 Schoolboys at Atawase, a suburb of Nkawkaw in the Kwahu West Municipal Assembly. 

Kwame Amponsah

Addressing Agoo News, the head of Kwahu West Social Welfare office Victor Fayi, said on the fifth of November 2021, officials went to the field after they had data that a youngster locally who is a barber was physically manhandling younger students. 

As per Fayi, with the assistance of the Assembly Members and Opinion Leaders, Amponsah was captured. 

Mr Fayi added that ten different students came to report a similar issue after the capture of Amponsah. 

Kwame Amponsah

The suspect was on Monday, November 15, 2021, taken to the Mpraeso Circuit Court where he confessed and was imprisoned for quite some time. 

As per the adjudicator, the suspect is relied upon to serve 10 years each for the 10 children he sodomized and serve seven years each for the other two young men. 

Source: Ghana/

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