6 (six) Assemblies Has Come Together To Demolish Building Around Motorway.

6 (six) assemblies has come together to demolish building around motorway.


Some of this building include blocks and krose. residence cry and seek for help form the president to Provide them with place to stay or lay their heads.


 Since their homes are been destroyed. In an interview with adomtv, some of these residence spoke with heavy heart complained bitterly about the demolishing.


A man who has stayed in the community for about 21-22 years says he a has a block hose which he stays and use for his personal business as well thus restaurant business. A place people come to buy food and drinks.



Some of the community have to be rushed to hospital just because that was their first time seeing such a thing. According to a student. They do not have anywhere to stay. the president should come to their aid.



Talking to                                  .he said residences do not take care of the place and they do not have toilet facilities not to even talk of having who they don’t have.


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